Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter and the Arrival of Spring!

Hello all, hope all is well with everyone, we miss you and hope to see you soon. Neal and I having been very busy celebrating warmer weather. I about screamed when I first saw little green grasses among all the brown ( I actually did scream). Winter is over, and it feels like a different world, in the knowledge of that. Along with spring, we have a new arrival ourselves...a bahbb..
not!...its a dog haha, gotcha!
His name is Buckley and Neal found him on base chasing cars. The dog came over to Neal and stuck by his side, and it was love, for Neal! Of all the people, Neal was asking me if we could bring him home. But soon he tugged on my heart, and after about two and half weeks with no calls from the found posters we put up, Neal is determined to keep, and I can't object. Itseems without sounding hasty, that he is the perfect dog for us, even though it feels a bit like a zoo at home. He has alreadygone hiking and camping with us, and its almost feels like he has been a major part in getting us out in the open to experience spring. Here are some pictures of our adventures. Some are from us camping with friends near the Sun river. Some are from us hiking at the Sluece Boxes, which is a trail that follows an old rail line.


Katie said...

Beautiful! And Buckley is cute. I am sure y'all will give him a good home.

Nan said...

It's so good to SEE you two and my newest granddog! I'm so glad that your family is enjoying spring together in such a beautiful place. Love you more.

Megan said...

I just heard that Buckley gets to stay! Yay! He is cute!